5.0(141 ratings)0 Students EnrolledCreated by Fabrizio Mastroforti
12 total hours
1 lessons
0 minutes
This course includes:
12 total hours
1 lessons
0 minutes
Journey into the Forex market with an experienced financial analyst, independent trader, and trainer. With over a decade of specialization in Forex trading, Fabrizio is a member of S.I.A.T. (Italian Society of Technical Analysis) and the author of "Professione Trader Part Time," published by Trading Library in 2023. Fabrizio''s approach is to guide novice traders through the complexities of the markets in a well-informed manner. His training courses begin with the fundamentals of technical and fundamental analysis and progress towards exploring key aspects that elevate traders: money management, psychology, and discipline. The sessions then transition into practical implementation with operational strategies and the development of a comprehensive trading plan.